:py:mod:`astronomer.providers.core.hooks.astro` =============================================== .. py:module:: astronomer.providers.core.hooks.astro Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.core.hooks.astro.AstroHook .. py:class:: AstroHook(astro_cloud_conn_id = 'astro_cloud_conn_id') Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook` Custom Apache Airflow Hook for interacting with Astro Cloud API. :param astro_cloud_conn_id: The connection ID to retrieve Astro Cloud credentials. .. py:attribute:: conn_name_attr :value: 'astro_cloud_conn_id' .. py:attribute:: default_conn_name :value: 'astro_cloud_default' .. py:attribute:: conn_type :value: 'Astro Cloud' .. py:attribute:: hook_name :value: 'Astro Cloud' .. py:method:: get_ui_field_behaviour() :classmethod: Returns UI field behavior customization for the Astro Cloud connection. This method defines hidden fields, relabeling, and placeholders for UI display. .. py:method:: get_conn() Retrieves the Astro Cloud connection details. .. py:method:: get_dag_runs(external_dag_id) Retrieves information about running or queued DAG runs. :param external_dag_id: External ID of the DAG. .. py:method:: get_dag_run(external_dag_id, dag_run_id) Retrieves information about a specific DAG run. :param external_dag_id: External ID of the DAG. :param dag_run_id: ID of the DAG run. .. py:method:: get_a_dag_run(external_dag_id, dag_run_id) :async: Retrieves information about a specific DAG run. :param external_dag_id: External ID of the DAG. :param dag_run_id: ID of the DAG run. .. py:method:: get_task_instance(external_dag_id, dag_run_id, external_task_id) Retrieves information about a specific task instance within a DAG run. :param external_dag_id: External ID of the DAG. :param dag_run_id: ID of the DAG run. :param external_task_id: External ID of the task. .. py:method:: get_a_task_instance(external_dag_id, dag_run_id, external_task_id) :async: Retrieves information about a specific task instance within a DAG run. :param external_dag_id: External ID of the DAG. :param dag_run_id: ID of the DAG run. :param external_task_id: External ID of the task.