
Module Contents



Snowflake Trigger inherits from the BaseTrigger,it is fired as


This class is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0.


This trigger validates the result of a query (asynchronously).



Create and return SnowflakeHookAsync.


Create and return SnowflakeHookAsync. :return: a SnowflakeHookAsync instance.

class astronomer.providers.snowflake.triggers.snowflake_trigger.SnowflakeTrigger(task_id, poll_interval, query_ids, snowflake_conn_id)[source]

Bases: airflow.triggers.base.BaseTrigger

Snowflake Trigger inherits from the BaseTrigger,it is fired as deferred class with params to run the task in trigger worker and fetch the status for the query ids passed

  • task_id (str) – Reference to task id of the Dag

  • poll_interval (float) – polling period in seconds to check for the status

  • query_ids (list[str]) – List of Query ids to run and poll for the status

  • snowflake_conn_id (str) – Reference to Snowflake connection id


Serializes SnowflakeTrigger arguments and classpath.

async run()[source]

Makes a series of connections to snowflake to get the status of the query by async get_query_status function

class astronomer.providers.snowflake.triggers.snowflake_trigger.SnowflakeSqlApiTrigger(poll_interval, query_ids, snowflake_conn_id, token_life_time, token_renewal_delta)[source]

Bases: airflow.triggers.base.BaseTrigger

This class is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0. Use :class: ~airflow.providers.snowflake.triggers.snowflake_trigger.SnowflakeSqlApiTrigger instead.


Serializes SnowflakeSqlApiTrigger arguments and classpath.

async run()[source]

Makes a GET API request to snowflake with query_id to get the status of the query by get_sql_api_query_status async function

async is_still_running(query_id)[source]

Async function to check whether the query statement submitted via SQL API is still running state and returns True if it is still running else return False

class astronomer.providers.snowflake.triggers.snowflake_trigger.SnowflakeSensorTrigger(sql, dag_id, task_id, run_id, snowflake_conn_id, parameters=None, success=None, failure=None, fail_on_empty=False, poke_interval=60)[source]

Bases: airflow.triggers.base.BaseTrigger

This trigger validates the result of a query (asynchronously). An Airflow Trigger asynchronously polls for a certain condition to be true (which yields a TriggerEvent), after which a synchronous piece of code can be used to complete the logic (set by method_name on AsyncOperator/Sensor.defer()). Docs:


Serializes SqlTrigger arguments and classpath..


Validates query result and verifies if it returns a row

async run()[source]

Make an asynchronous connection to Snowflake and defer until query returns a result