:py:mod:`astronomer.providers.amazon.aws.hooks.redshift_sql` ============================================================ .. py:module:: astronomer.providers.amazon.aws.hooks.redshift_sql Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.amazon.aws.hooks.redshift_sql.RedshiftSQLHookAsync .. py:class:: RedshiftSQLHookAsync(*args, poll_interval = 0, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`astronomer.providers.amazon.aws.hooks.redshift_data.RedshiftDataHook` RedshiftSQL async hook inherits from RedshiftDataHook to interact with AWS redshift cluster database .. py:method:: get_query_status(self, query_ids) :async: Async function to get the Query status by query Ids, this function takes list of query_ids make async connection to redshift data to get the query status by query id returns the query status. :param query_ids: list of query ids .. py:method:: is_still_running(self, qid) :async: Async function to whether the query is still running or in "PICKED", "STARTED", "SUBMITTED" state and returns True else return False