Source code for

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast

from aiohttp import ClientSession as ClientSession
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from import BigQueryHook, _bq_cast
from import GoogleBaseHook
from gcloud.aio.bigquery import Job, Table
from import CopyJob, ExtractJob, LoadJob, QueryJob
from requests import Session

from import GoogleBaseHookAsync

BigQueryJob = Union[CopyJob, QueryJob, LoadJob, ExtractJob]

class _BigQueryHook(BigQueryHook):
    def insert_job(
        configuration: Dict[str, Any],
        job_id: Optional[str] = None,
        project_id: Optional[str] = None,
        location: Optional[str] = None,
        nowait: bool = False,
    ) -> BigQueryJob:
        Executes a BigQuery job. Initiates the job and returns job id.

        See here:

        :param configuration: The configuration parameter maps directly to
            BigQuery's configuration field in the job object. See
        :param job_id: The ID of the job. The ID must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z),
            numbers (0-9), underscores (_), or dashes (-). The maximum length is 1,024
            characters. If not provided then uuid will be generated.
        :param project_id: Google Cloud Project where the job is running
        :param location: location the job is running
        :param nowait: specify whether to insert job without waiting for the result
        location = location or self.location
        job_id = job_id or self._custom_job_id(configuration)

        client = self.get_client(project_id=project_id, location=location)
        job_data = {
            "configuration": configuration,
            "jobReference": {"jobId": job_id, "projectId": project_id, "location": location},

        supported_jobs = {
            LoadJob._JOB_TYPE: LoadJob,
            CopyJob._JOB_TYPE: CopyJob,
            ExtractJob._JOB_TYPE: ExtractJob,
            QueryJob._JOB_TYPE: QueryJob,

        job = None
        for job_type, job_object in supported_jobs.items():
            if job_type in configuration:
                job = job_object

        if not job:
            raise AirflowException(f"Unknown job type. Supported types: {supported_jobs.keys()}")
        job = job.from_api_repr(job_data, client)"Inserting job %s", job.job_id)
        if nowait:
            # Initiate the job and don't wait for it to complete.
            # Start the job and wait for it to complete and get the result.
        return job

[docs]class BigQueryHookAsync(GoogleBaseHookAsync): """Big query async hook inherits from GoogleBaseHookAsync class and connects to the google Big query""" sync_hook_class = _BigQueryHook
[docs] async def get_job_instance( self, project_id: Optional[str], job_id: Optional[str], session: ClientSession ) -> Job: """Get the specified job resource by job ID and project ID.""" with await self.service_file_as_context() as f: return Job(job_id=job_id, project=project_id, service_file=f, session=cast(Session, session))
[docs] async def get_job_status( self, job_id: Optional[str], project_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: """ Polls for job status asynchronously using gcloud-aio. Note that an OSError is raised when Job results are still pending. Exception means that Job finished with errors """ async with ClientSession() as s: try:"Executing get_job_status...") job_client = await self.get_job_instance(project_id, job_id, s) job_status_response = await job_client.result(cast(Session, s)) if job_status_response: job_status = "success" except OSError: job_status = "pending" except Exception as e:"Query execution finished with errors...") job_status = str(e) return job_status
[docs] async def get_job_output( self, job_id: Optional[str], project_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the big query job output for the given job id asynchronously using gcloud-aio.""" async with ClientSession() as session:"Executing get_job_output..") job_client = await self.get_job_instance(project_id, job_id, session) job_query_response = await job_client.get_query_results(cast(Session, session)) return job_query_response
[docs] def get_records(self, query_results: Dict[str, Any], nocast: bool = True) -> List[Any]: """ Given the output query response from gcloud aio bigquery, convert the response to records. :param query_results: the results from a SQL query :param nocast: indicates whether casting to bq data type is required or not """ buffer = [] if "rows" in query_results and query_results["rows"]: fields = query_results["schema"]["fields"] col_types = [field["type"] for field in fields] rows = query_results["rows"] for dict_row in rows: if nocast: typed_row = [vs["v"] for vs in dict_row["f"]] else: typed_row = [_bq_cast(vs["v"], col_types[idx]) for idx, vs in enumerate(dict_row["f"])] buffer.append(typed_row) return buffer
[docs] def value_check( self, sql: str, pass_value: Any, records: List[Any], tolerance: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: """ Match a single query resulting row and tolerance with pass_value :return: If Match fail, we throw an AirflowException. """ if not records: raise AirflowException("The query returned None") pass_value_conv = self._convert_to_float_if_possible(pass_value) is_numeric_value_check = isinstance(pass_value_conv, float) tolerance_pct_str = str(tolerance * 100) + "%" if tolerance else None error_msg = ( "Test failed.\nPass value:{pass_value_conv}\n" "Tolerance:{tolerance_pct_str}\n" "Query:\n{sql}\nResults:\n{records!s}" ).format( pass_value_conv=pass_value_conv, tolerance_pct_str=tolerance_pct_str, sql=sql, records=records, ) if not is_numeric_value_check: tests = [str(record) == pass_value_conv for record in records] else: try: numeric_records = [float(record) for record in records] except (ValueError, TypeError): raise AirflowException(f"Converting a result to float failed.\n{error_msg}") tests = self._get_numeric_matches(numeric_records, pass_value_conv, tolerance) if not all(tests): raise AirflowException(error_msg)
@staticmethod def _get_numeric_matches( records: List[float], pass_value: Any, tolerance: Optional[float] = None ) -> List[bool]: """ A helper function to match numeric pass_value, tolerance with records value :param records: List of value to match against :param pass_value: Expected value :param tolerance: Allowed tolerance for match to succeed """ if tolerance: return [ pass_value * (1 - tolerance) <= record <= pass_value * (1 + tolerance) for record in records ] return [record == pass_value for record in records] @staticmethod def _convert_to_float_if_possible(s: Any) -> Any: """ A small helper function to convert a string to a numeric value if appropriate :param s: the string to be converted """ try: ret = float(s) except (ValueError, TypeError): ret = s return ret
[docs] def interval_check( self, row1: Optional[str], row2: Optional[str], metrics_thresholds: Dict[str, Any], ignore_zero: bool, ratio_formula: str, ) -> None: """ Checks that the values of metrics given as SQL expressions are within a certain tolerance :param row1: first resulting row of a query execution job for first SQL query :param row2: first resulting row of a query execution job for second SQL query :param metrics_thresholds: a dictionary of ratios indexed by metrics, for example 'COUNT(*)': 1.5 would require a 50 percent or less difference between the current day, and the prior days_back. :param ignore_zero: whether we should ignore zero metrics :param ratio_formula: which formula to use to compute the ratio between the two metrics. Assuming cur is the metric of today and ref is the metric to today - days_back. max_over_min: computes max(cur, ref) / min(cur, ref) relative_diff: computes abs(cur-ref) / ref """ if not row2: raise AirflowException("The second SQL query returned None") if not row1: raise AirflowException("The first SQL query returned None") ratio_formulas = { "max_over_min": lambda cur, ref: float(max(cur, ref)) / min(cur, ref), "relative_diff": lambda cur, ref: float(abs(cur - ref)) / ref, } metrics_sorted = sorted(metrics_thresholds.keys()) current = dict(zip(metrics_sorted, row1)) reference = dict(zip(metrics_sorted, row2)) ratios: Dict[str, Any] = {} test_results: Dict[str, Any] = {} for metric in metrics_sorted: cur = float(current[metric]) ref = float(reference[metric]) threshold = float(metrics_thresholds[metric]) if cur == 0 or ref == 0: ratios[metric] = None test_results[metric] = ignore_zero else: ratios[metric] = ratio_formulas[ratio_formula]( float(current[metric]), float(reference[metric]) ) test_results[metric] = float(ratios[metric]) < threshold ( "Current metric for %s: %s\n" "Past metric for %s: %s\n" "Ratio for %s: %s\n" "Threshold: %s\n" ), metric, cur, metric, ref, metric, ratios[metric], threshold, ) if not all(test_results.values()): failed_tests = [it[0] for it in test_results.items() if not it[1]] self.log.warning( "The following %s tests out of %s failed:", len(failed_tests), len(metrics_sorted), ) for k in failed_tests: self.log.warning( "'%s' check failed. %s is above %s", k, ratios[k], metrics_thresholds[k], ) raise AirflowException(f"The following tests have failed:\n {', '.join(sorted(failed_tests))}")"All tests have passed")
[docs]class BigQueryTableHookAsync(GoogleBaseHookAsync): """Class to get async hook for Bigquery Table Async""" sync_hook_class = BigQueryHook
[docs] async def get_table_client( self, dataset: str, table_id: str, project_id: str, session: ClientSession ) -> Table: """ Returns a Google Big Query Table object. :param dataset: The name of the dataset in which to look for the table storage bucket. :param table_id: The name of the table to check the existence of. :param project_id: The Google cloud project in which to look for the table. The connection supplied to the hook must provide access to the specified project. :param session: aiohttp ClientSession """ with await self.service_file_as_context() as file: return Table( dataset_name=dataset, table_name=table_id, project=project_id, service_file=file, session=cast(Session, session), )