:py:mod:`astronomer.providers.google.cloud.xcom_backends.gcs` ============================================================= .. py:module:: astronomer.providers.google.cloud.xcom_backends.gcs Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.google.cloud.xcom_backends.gcs.GCSXComBackend .. py:class:: GCSXComBackend(context=None) Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.models.xcom.BaseXCom` The GCS custom xcom backend is an xcom custom backend wrapper that handles serialization and deserialization of common data types. This overrides the ``TaskInstance.XCom`` object with this wrapper. .. py:method:: serialize_value(value) :staticmethod: Custom XCOM for GCS to serialize the data .. py:method:: deserialize_value(result) :staticmethod: Custom XCOM for GCS to deserialize the data .. py:method:: orm_deserialize_value() Deserialize amethod which is used to reconstruct ORM XCom object. This method should be overridden in custom XCom backends to avoid unnecessary request or other resource consuming operations when creating XCom ORM model.