:py:mod:`astronomer.providers.dbt.cloud.hooks.dbt` ================================================== .. py:module:: astronomer.providers.dbt.cloud.hooks.dbt Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.dbt.cloud.hooks.dbt.DbtCloudHookAsync Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.dbt.cloud.hooks.dbt.provide_account_id Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.dbt.cloud.hooks.dbt.T .. py:data:: T .. py:function:: provide_account_id(func) Decorator which provides a fallback value for ``account_id``. If the ``account_id`` is None or not passed to the decorated function, the value will be taken from the configured dbt Cloud Airflow Connection. .. py:class:: DbtCloudHookAsync(dbt_cloud_conn_id) Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook` Interact with dbt Cloud using the V2 API. :param dbt_cloud_conn_id: The ID of the :ref:`dbt Cloud connection `. .. py:attribute:: conn_name_attr :value: 'dbt_cloud_conn_id' .. py:attribute:: default_conn_name :value: 'dbt_cloud_default' .. py:attribute:: conn_type :value: 'dbt_cloud' .. py:attribute:: hook_name :value: 'dbt Cloud' .. py:method:: get_headers_tenants_from_connection() :async: Get Headers, tenants from the connection details .. py:method:: get_request_url_params(tenant, endpoint, include_related = None) :staticmethod: Form URL from base url and endpoint url :param tenant: The tenant domain name which is need to be replaced in base url. :param endpoint: Endpoint url to be requested. :param include_related: Optional. List of related fields to pull with the run. Valid values are "trigger", "job", "repository", and "environment". .. py:method:: get_job_details(run_id, account_id = None, include_related = None) :async: Uses Http async call to retrieve metadata for a specific run of a dbt Cloud job. :param run_id: The ID of a dbt Cloud job run. :param account_id: Optional. The ID of a dbt Cloud account. :param include_related: Optional. List of related fields to pull with the run. Valid values are "trigger", "job", "repository", and "environment". .. py:method:: get_job_status(run_id, account_id = None, include_related = None) :async: Retrieves the status for a specific run of a dbt Cloud job. :param run_id: The ID of a dbt Cloud job run. :param account_id: Optional. The ID of a dbt Cloud account. :param include_related: Optional. List of related fields to pull with the run. Valid values are "trigger", "job", "repository", and "environment".