:py:mod:`astronomer.providers.apache.hive.hooks.hive` ===================================================== .. py:module:: astronomer.providers.apache.hive.hooks.hive .. autoapi-nested-parse:: This module contains the Apache HiveCli hook async. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.apache.hive.hooks.hive.HiveCliHookAsync .. py:class:: HiveCliHookAsync(metastore_conn_id) Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook` HiveCliHookAsync to interact with the Hive using impyla library :param metastore_conn_id: connection string for the hive :param auth_mechanism: auth mechanism to use for authentication .. py:method:: get_hive_client() Makes a connection to the hive client using impyla library .. py:method:: partition_exists(table, schema, partition, polling_interval) :async: Checks for the existence of a partition in the given hive table. :param table: table in hive where the partition exists. :param schema: database where the hive table exists :param partition: partition to check for in given hive database and hive table. :param polling_interval: polling interval in seconds to sleep between checks .. py:method:: parse_partition_name(partition) :staticmethod: Parse partition string into schema, table, and partition. .. py:method:: check_partition_exists(schema, table, partition) Check whether given partition exist or not. :param schema: Name of the Hive schema. :param table: Name of the table. :param partition: Name of the partition