:py:mod:`astronomer.providers.http.hooks.http` ============================================== .. py:module:: astronomer.providers.http.hooks.http Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.http.hooks.http.HttpHookAsync .. py:class:: HttpHookAsync(method = 'POST', http_conn_id = default_conn_name, auth_type = aiohttp.BasicAuth, retry_limit = 3, retry_delay = 1.0) Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook` Interact with HTTP servers using Python Async. :param method: the API method to be called :param http_conn_id: http connection id that has the base API url i.e https://www.google.com/ and optional authentication credentials. Default headers can also be specified in the Extra field in json format. :param auth_type: The auth type for the service :type auth_type: AuthBase of python aiohttp lib .. py:attribute:: conn_name_attr :value: 'http_conn_id' .. py:attribute:: default_conn_name :value: 'http_default' .. py:attribute:: conn_type :value: 'http' .. py:attribute:: hook_name :value: 'HTTP' .. py:method:: run(endpoint = None, data = None, headers = None, extra_options = None) :async: Performs an asynchronous HTTP request call :param endpoint: the endpoint to be called i.e. resource/v1/query? :param data: payload to be uploaded or request parameters :param headers: additional headers to be passed through as a dictionary :param extra_options: Additional kwargs to pass when creating a request. For example, ``run(json=obj)`` is passed as ``aiohttp.ClientSession().get(json=obj)``