:py:mod:`astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.hooks.data_factory` ================================================================= .. py:module:: astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.hooks.data_factory Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.hooks.data_factory.AzureDataFactoryHookAsync Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.hooks.data_factory.provide_targeted_factory_async Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.hooks.data_factory.Credentials astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.hooks.data_factory.T .. py:data:: Credentials .. py:data:: T .. py:function:: provide_targeted_factory_async(func) Provide the targeted factory to the async decorated function in case it isn't specified. If ``resource_group_name`` or ``factory_name`` is not provided it defaults to the value specified in the connection extras. .. py:class:: AzureDataFactoryHookAsync(azure_data_factory_conn_id) Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.providers.microsoft.azure.hooks.data_factory.AzureDataFactoryHook` An Async Hook connects to Azure DataFactory to perform pipeline operations :param azure_data_factory_conn_id: The :ref:`Azure Data Factory connection id`. .. py:method:: get_async_conn() :async: Get async connection and connect to azure data factory .. py:method:: get_pipeline_run(run_id, resource_group_name = None, factory_name = None, **config) :async: Connects to Azure Data Factory asynchronously to get the pipeline run details by run id :param run_id: The pipeline run identifier. :param resource_group_name: The resource group name. :param factory_name: The factory name. .. py:method:: get_adf_pipeline_run_status(run_id, resource_group_name = None, factory_name = None) :async: Connects to Azure Data Factory asynchronously and gets the pipeline status by run_id :param run_id: The pipeline run identifier. :param resource_group_name: The resource group name. :param factory_name: The factory name.