
Module Contents



Executes a HTTP GET statement and returns False on failure caused by

class astronomer.providers.http.sensors.http.HttpSensorAsync(*, endpoint, poll_interval=5, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: airflow.providers.http.sensors.http.HttpSensor

Executes a HTTP GET statement and returns False on failure caused by 404 Not Found or response_check returning False.


If response_check is passed, the sync version of the sensor will be used.

The response check can access the template context to the operator:

def response_check(response, task_instance):
    # The task_instance is injected, so you can pull data form xcom
    # Other context variables such as dag, ds, execution_date are also available.
    xcom_data = task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids="pushing_task")
    # In practice you would do something more sensible with this data..
    return True

HttpSensorAsync(task_id="my_http_sensor", ..., response_check=response_check)
  • http_conn_id (str) – The Connection ID to run the sensor against

  • method (str) – The HTTP request method to use

  • endpoint (str) – The relative part of the full url

  • request_params (a dictionary of string key/value pairs) – The parameters to be added to the GET url

  • headers (a dictionary of string key/value pairs) – The HTTP headers to be added to the GET request

  • response_check (A lambda or defined function.) – A check against the ‘requests’ response object. The callable takes the response object as the first positional argument and optionally any number of keyword arguments available in the context dictionary. It should return True for ‘pass’ and False otherwise. Currently if this parameter is specified then sync version of the sensor will be used.

  • extra_options (A dictionary of options, where key is string and value depends on the option that's being modified.) – Extra options for the ‘requests’ library, see the ‘requests’ documentation (options to modify timeout, ssl, etc.)

  • tcp_keep_alive – Enable TCP Keep Alive for the connection.

  • tcp_keep_alive_idle – The TCP Keep Alive Idle parameter (corresponds to socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE).

  • tcp_keep_alive_count – The TCP Keep Alive count parameter (corresponds to socket.TCP_KEEPCNT)

  • tcp_keep_alive_interval – The TCP Keep Alive interval parameter (corresponds to socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL)


Logic that the sensor uses to correctly identify which trigger to execute, and defer execution as expected.

execute_complete(context, event=None)[source]

Callback for when the trigger fires - returns immediately. Relies on trigger to throw an exception, otherwise it assumes execution was successful.