:py:mod:`astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.triggers.wasb` ============================================================ .. py:module:: astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.triggers.wasb Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.triggers.wasb.WasbBlobSensorTrigger astronomer.providers.microsoft.azure.triggers.wasb.WasbPrefixSensorTrigger .. py:class:: WasbBlobSensorTrigger(container_name, blob_name, wasb_conn_id = 'wasb_default', public_read = False, poke_interval = 5.0) Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.triggers.base.BaseTrigger` WasbBlobSensorTrigger is fired as deferred class with params to run the task in trigger worker to check for existence of the given blob in the provided container. :param container_name: name of the container in which the blob should be searched for :param blob_name: name of the blob to check existence for :param wasb_conn_id: the connection identifier for connecting to Azure WASB :param poke_interval: polling period in seconds to check for the status :param public_read: whether an anonymous public read access should be used. Default is False .. py:method:: serialize() Serializes WasbBlobSensorTrigger arguments and classpath. .. py:method:: run() :async: Makes async connection to Azure WASB and polls for existence of the given blob name. .. py:class:: WasbPrefixSensorTrigger(container_name, prefix, include = None, delimiter = '/', wasb_conn_id = 'wasb_default', public_read = False, poke_interval = 5.0) Bases: :py:obj:`airflow.triggers.base.BaseTrigger` WasbPrefixSensorTrigger is fired as a deferred class with params to run the task in trigger worker. It checks for the existence of a blob with the given prefix in the provided container. :param container_name: name of the container in which the blob should be searched for :param prefix: prefix of the blob to check existence for :param include: specifies one or more additional datasets to include in the response. Options include: ``snapshots``, ``metadata``, ``uncommittedblobs``, ``copy`, ``deleted`` :param delimiter: filters objects based on the delimiter (for e.g '.csv') :param wasb_conn_id: the connection identifier for connecting to Azure WASB :param poke_interval: polling period in seconds to check for the status :param public_read: whether an anonymous public read access should be used. Default is False .. py:method:: serialize() Serializes WasbPrefixSensorTrigger arguments and classpath. .. py:method:: run() :async: Makes async connection to Azure WASB and polls for existence of a blob with given prefix.