
Module Contents



Creates Kubernetes API connection.

class astronomer.providers.cncf.kubernetes.hooks.kubernetes.KubernetesHookAsync(conn_id=default_conn_name, client_configuration=None, cluster_context=None, config_file=None, in_cluster=None, disable_verify_ssl=None, disable_tcp_keepalive=None)[source]

Bases: airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.hooks.kubernetes.KubernetesHook

Creates Kubernetes API connection.

  • use in cluster configuration by using extra field in_cluster in connection

  • use custom config by providing path to the file using extra field kube_config_path in connection

  • use custom configuration by providing content of kubeconfig file via

    extra field kube_config in connection

  • use default config by providing no extras

This hook check for configuration option in the above order. Once an option is present it will use this configuration.

See also

For more information about Kubernetes connection: /connections/kubernetes

  • conn_id (str | None) – The kubernetes connection to Kubernetes cluster.

  • client_configuration (client.Configuration | None) – Optional dictionary of client configuration params. Passed on to kubernetes client.

  • cluster_context (str | None) – Optionally specify a context to use (e.g. if you have multiple in your kubeconfig.

  • config_file (str | None) – Path to kubeconfig file.

  • in_cluster (bool | None) – Set to True if running from within a kubernetes cluster.

  • disable_verify_ssl (bool | None) – Set to True if SSL verification should be disabled.

  • disable_tcp_keepalive (bool | None) – Set to True if you want to disable keepalive logic.

async get_api_client_async()[source]

Create an API Client object to interact with Kubernetes